Sunday, March 29, 2009

Truck Loading

You might not quite understand what is going on or why I'm in a car, because I don't think that I explain it very well in the video. But that is kind of the point of this thing. I'm trying to be pretty random about it. So to fill you in... I'm actually on my way to deliver a car to a customers house. But that is really not what the video is about.


Michelle & Luke said...

ben. this is the best blog I have seen in a long time. I laughed outloud. The smile scares me a little though ;)

Patty Stephens said...

Scary!!! I would not drive behind that guy!

Faith said...

I don't know what's more scary...that guy or you with your phone:)

I'm going to be a Ropp! said...

So....I LOVE THIS BLOG. You might not no me...I'm related though..somehow.